The best 13 foods help digestion

foods help digestion
September 3, 2020

foods help digestion:In the United States, more than 3.3 million people are hospitalized annually for digestive diseases, reported the National Center for Health Statistics. In part, this occurs due to the mixing and excessive consumption of foods and drinks that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

If after eating you feel gas, heartburn, nausea or your belly swells, your digestion is not in shape. Indigestion is one of the most common disorders in developed countries . Many people become indigestible due to excesses of food and drink. Infusions or supposed digestives can alleviate the discomfort of poor digestion, but it is in our hands to avoid going through the wrong time.

It should be noted that, in addition to ensuring what we consume, the way in which food is ingested also influences the digestive process.

How to avoid heavy digestions

It is important to take care of the time of intake. “Chewing slowly and salivate well the food helps a correct swallowing”. Also become aware of the present moment, of the act of eating. “If the intake is done in a disorderly way, with stress, quickly and while doing another activity or when you are very tired, it negatively influences the digestive system and causes an upset stomach.”

 In fact, it has been proven that mood has a direct influence on the assimilation of substances. Disgust or anxiety causes digestive enzymes to slow down. Also take care of the schedule. Eating or dining too late can lead to heaviness, bloating, burning, or reflux. Allow four hours between lunch and dinner and three hours before going to bed.

 Are you hungry before going to dream about the angels? Does your stomach growl? Choose a light protein (skim yogurt), a glass of skim milk, or a minimal portion of cheese.

Did you know:The best 27 foods help heartburn

There are foods that can help us prevent and avoid digestive discomfort. “Our digestive system cooks the food, it is a boiler that extracts energy for the rest of the organism, if the boiler does not have power we have to use more burners to help it extract the nutrients from the food. In Energy Diet we play with the balance between what food gives us and what our body can absorb through digestion.

 Bitter leaves such as arugula, watercress, baby spinach would be one of the few foods that we can eat raw, very well chewed, in little quantity and at noon if we are in good health. These foods have a bitter taste and stimulate the digestive juices to be able to absorb them well. The rest of the vegetables will depend on how our digestive fire is.

Here are the foods that improve our digestions

Olive oil

He olive oil has multiple benefits for the body, one of them is that it is a great facilitator of the digestion. “Helps food to transform in the stomach, prevents gastric reflux that producesacidity, favors the evacuation of feces and avoids infections in the digestive tract “, explain the experts of the medical and nutrition team of IM Clinic, Institute of Plastic Surgery of Dr. Iván Mañero.


foods help digestion
foods help digestion

Its content of probiotics make it one of the foods that most promote digestion. Probiotics are living microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeasts, present in food; They strengthen the immune system and help preserve the health of the intestinal flora. They are useful to maintain good intestinal transit.


foods help digestion
foods help digestion

Its content of pectin, soluble vegetable fiber, favors digestion and prevents intestinal fermentation. It also helps reduce constipation and control bad or LDL cholesterol. Apples with peels help maintain the health of the digestive tract.


foods help digestion
foods help digestion

This aromatic root, the gingerit is an excellent digestive stimulant. “It encourages the release of enzymes by the pancreas, helping to make swallowing lighter and without acidity.” Another of its main properties is that it is antibacterial. “Prevents alterations of theintestinal flora, reduces diarrhea and improves evacuation. In infusion it prevents dyspepsia (slow and laborious digestion) ”.


They contain fiber, which helps prevent constipation and lower bad cholesterol, and it is advisable to consume them to combat irritable bowel movements. It is a food with negative calories, since to digest it they burn more than they contribute to the body (20 calories per 100 grams).


He KiwiIt is known for providing a large amount of soluble fiber actidin that aids digestion. Especially taken at breakfast. How to dessert? “It can alleviate the feeling of a heavy stomach.”

Hot soups


It is a vegetable from which both the root, the leaves or the seeds are consumed and it is especially beneficial for different stomach disorders. “Relievesacidity, abdominal distention, indigestion, loss of appetite and excess gases”. In fact, it contains a carminative action substance (anethole) that promotes the expulsion of gases. In herbal tea it is very useful against fluid retention and helps reduce colic and cramps.


In addition to containing fiber that stimulates the bacterial activity of the intestine, the banana is rich in inulin, an effect substance prebioticthat serves as sustenance (food) to proboiotics, which contributes to a healthy intestinal flora. On the other hand, his wealth inpotassium It also helps the functioning of the digestive tract, since this mineral participates in the muscle contractions required to digest and to advance the bolus.


Thanks to its bitter taste, it has a choleretic effect (increases the production of bile) that soothes the stomach and helps to eliminate fluids.


“They are easily digestible if eaten at steam, boiled or grilled. Always avoid serving them with sauce. “It is this accompaniment that causes discomfort and slow digestion.”

Read also:The best foods help anxiety


As the yogurt, contains probiotics, “living microorganisms that lodge in the intestine and maintain the balance of its bacteria, fighting pathogens that cause inflammation of the stomach lining”. It also improves irritable bowel syndrome and fights diarrhea. Due to its acidic touch, it goes well with fruits and vegetable purees.

Natural pineapple

foods help digestion
foods help digestion

The pineappleIt contains proteolytic enzymes (they help digest proteins). In particular, its contribution of bromelain stands out. “This enzyme complex supports digestive mechanisms by breaking down protein molecules and helps eliminate intestinal parasites.” It is also an excellent source of fiber. “A cellulose that collaborates in intestinal transit”. Anything else? Helps with hangover. “It is diuretic and has a detoxifying effect.”

Tips to improve digestive energy

Drink : during the meal it is appropriate to separate the drink from the food. We would have to drink a good glass of water before eating and after eating wait from 30 minutes to 1 hour to return to ingesting fluids. It is ideal to start the meal with a vegetable broth or miso soup and instead of a dessert have a digestive infusion.

Select foods : dairy, fried, fried. Chemical sweets and processed and refined foods. Reduce these foods and you will see how the problem of flatulence and a “bloated abdomen” disappears.

Do not abuse medications : the abuse of certain medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatories cause indigestion and even gastric ulcers. Always take drugs on a full stomach.

Eliminate toxins : tobacco, alcohol are toxic substances for our digestive system.

Practicing moderate physical exercise is excellent : an excess of exercise, on the contrary, could leave digestion without energy. In fact, when we exercise very hard, we are not even hungry afterwards. The appetite disappears and does not return until we recover.

Avoid contact with the cold : when the digestive energy is very weak, any cold can cause a deficiency, which will result in symptoms such as diarrhea, discomfort, bloating, etc.


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