Ginger allergy occurs due to a reaction of the body to the intake of the spice. Its symptoms can be gastrointestinal or cutaneous. How to identify it? Here we detail it.
Spice allergies are rare. However, certain cases of allergy to ginger and other related condiments, such as turmeric , have been detected .
Most of this type of reaction is characterized by triggering adverse cutaneous or gastrointestinal type processes. Only in some cases can a state of inflammation develop.
Now, when it comes to developing allergies , it is usual to become hypersensitive to some protein , as stated in an article published in the journal Pediatrics and International Child Health .
Cow’s milk and gluten in particular cause these reactions the most, but spices can also be triggers in some cases. How to recognize the allergy to ginger?
How to recognize the allergy to ginger?
Despite the fact that a process of intolerance is often called an “allergy”, ginger allergy is characterized by its manifestation, especially at the intestinal level . The consumption of this food can cause gas, colic and diarrhea.
Even in very extreme cases anaphylaxis would be triggered, according to a case report published in The Journal of Dermatology . However, such serious reactions are not often frequent with regard to the consumption of spices.
Similarly, it is possible that this type of allergy triggers a series of reactions at the skin level, such as irritation, redness and hives. In fact, it could cause itching in the mouth.
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Allergy prevention
Food allergy is a type of pathology that, although it can be treated, has a chronic nature. Still, a series of measures can be carried out to prevent its appearance.
For example, feeding with breast milk until the first year, and the inclusion of complementary feeding from 6 months, reduces the risk of this type of autoimmune pathologies. Excessive hygiene can also cause hypersensitivity by the agency to the meeting with a foreign substance, though not harmful.
In addition, it is recommended to carry out a varied diet , so that the digestive system meets different nutrients and gets used to its metabolism. Withdrawing certain foods from the diet may not generate an allergy, but a process of subsequent intolerance.
What to do in case of a ginger allergy?
If you suspect that you have an allergy, the most important thing is to go to the specialist (allergist) to receive a clinical diagnosis. This will tell you what your degree of sensitization is , and if it is necessary to withdraw this product from the diet or only moderate its consumption.
From there, it is necessary to assess the risk that anaphylaxis may occur if it comes into contact with the allergen in question. This turns out to be an extreme and rare situation, especially in the case of ginger allergy.
However, it may be advisable to avoid some culinary spices if you suffer from this pathology. In this way, you will save gastric and intestinal problems.
Ginger allergy, a rare case
Despite the fact that it is possible to develop an allergy to almost any substance, culinary spices are not usually related to this type of pathology. Despite this, ginger is capable of causing hypersensitivity reactions in certain people. Early diagnosis is important to avoid complications in this regard.
It should be remembered that life habits are capable of promoting the development of these situations. The absence of breastfeeding or an unbalanced intestinal flora can generate allergies and intolerances in the medium and long term.
As it is a chronic problem, the best solution is to reduce or restrict the consumption of the food in question. You may even need to avoid other spices in its family, such as turmeric.
From this, it is best to adopt a varied and complete diet from a nutritional point of view. In fact, it is advisable to test probiotic supplementation in order to improve the symptoms. Of course, all under medical supervision.