recipe book:This notebook is one of the best journal you can use it for daily cooking time!
The notebooks are stained with the rim of a coffee mug, splattered with butter and chocolate, the pages wrinkled and folded. There are printed letters, manuscripts and cutouts. They are full of annotations on the sides.

The notebooks and registers of cooking recipes, mostly written by and for women, are circulated from hand to hand and from generation to generation with the purpose of writing down a body of knowledge about the art of cooking. A domestic genre similar to the intimate diary, but which has not been analyzed in depth because, it deals with unpublished and anonymous writings, which are inherited transgenerationally from mothers to daughters, without actually constituting a printed book.
Technical Details:
- Spine width:0.27inch
- Full width:12.52inch
- Full Height:9.25inch
- 6*9inch
- 126 page