types of plums! The plum is a fruit that many of us have tried at some time. Although most identify only the red or purple, there are other varieties. Here are more details.
Do you recognize what varieties of plums exist? Although most people have ever eaten this fruit, not everyone knows what the specific differences are that each type presents. Therefore, in this article we tell you more about this topic.
The plum is a fruit that has a particular flavor; it can be sweet or have a significant degree of acidity . For this reason, there are those who are fans of it. In addition, there are nutrients that are beneficial to the body, such as fiber, vitamins A, C and E, minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and selenium.
Plum tree

This fruit comes from the plum tree , which is part of the Rosaceae family and belongs to the subgenus Prunus. Such as the almond tree, the cherry and the peach.
In general, it is 5 or 6 meters tall, has a smooth or cracked-looking trunk and branches with thorns in some species. In addition, its leaves have an elliptical shape with serrated edges and it has white flowers with rough buds to the touch. A highlight is that it can withstand low temperatures and frost.
The fruits that this tree produces can be yellow, purple, red, white or green. Inside they have juicy meat with a firm consistency and an inedible bone or seed. On the outside, they have a smooth and softshell. In general, yellow plums stand out for their acidity, those with red or purple tones are sweet and the green ones are bitter.
Types of plums

According to what is expressed in the Argentine Surveillance and Pest Monitoring System, the best-known types are the European and Japanese, which, in turn, present different varieties of plums. However, another way of sorting can be by color . Here we tell you more detail.
European plums ( Prunus domestica )
The European plum is the most common. These fruits are usually light green (like the Claudia variety) or purple. They do not contain a significant amount of water, so they are useful for drying.
Of course, they can also be consumed as fruit or used to make sweets, compotes, jams and preserves. They are grown in France, England, Belgium and Spain. Specifically, the varieties belonging to this group are Claudias, Stanley, President, Giant and Ana Apath.
types of plums
Japanese plums ( Prunus salicina )
In general, they are consumed fresh . They have reddish or black skin, although there are light yellow varieties. They are characteristics of hot climates. Within this type are the following varieties: Red Beauty, Golden Japan, Manthey, Formosa, Santa Rosa.
Yellow plum
It is also known as lemon plum and is the fruit of the Hobo , Jobo or Yuplon tree. This type is native to the American continent and Western India.
It is small in size compared to the others, it has a firm pulp and both the inside and the outside are yellow in color. It is used to make dessert cakes, jams, juices, fruit preserves, and plum brandy.
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types of plums
Plum varieties
As already mentioned, there are varieties within these types. Here are more details about some of them.
Sungold yellow plum
It is a variety of Japanese plum that comes from South Africa, but is grown in several countries. This type is large and aromatic, it has yellow skin and when it reaches maturity it can reach deep red .
The pulp is yellow or orange in color and has a remarkable sweetness. It can be consumed fresh, although it is also useful for making jams.
Red Beauty Plum
It is a variety of Japanese plum that has a rounded shape . Their skin is red in color and can turn dark, depending on the state of maturity. Inside it is yellow and hard in texture; for this reason it is useful for handling and transport.
Golden Japan plum variety
This is a light yellow fruit with shiny and tough skin . It has juicy pulp and, like the previous ones, it is a Japanese variety. It is generally grown in France, Italy, South Africa, and the United States.
Black amber
This fruit has black skin and a round, slightly flattened shape . The flesh is amber in color and firm. Due to its hardness it is resistant to manipulation. This variety of plum adapts to warm areas.
Santa Rosa
It stands out for having a rounded and heart-shaped shape. It has deep red skin and inside it is amber yellow or light carmine. In addition, its pulp is juicy and has a flavor similar to strawberries.
Reina Claudia Verde plum variety
It is a variety of plum of European type. It is medium in size and rounded. On the outside it is green, with fine and juicy pulp. It is ideal to consume fresh, in compotes, in preserves and jams .
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Benefits of consuming different varieties of plums

According to various studies, the consumption of plums has beneficial effects on health. Specifically, this is due to the fact that they provide antioxidants, phytochemicals (a diverse group of compounds present in plants), vitamins and minerals.
To be clear, all these varieties of plums, despite having a different flavor or color, can contribute to well-being. In relation to this, the regular intake of this fruit helps the following:
- Improve skin condition and the view: thanks to its contribution of vitamin A.
- Prevent constipation: this improves digestion, due to the contribution of dietary fiber and sorbitol, its natural sweetener.
- Relieve fluid retention: its high potassium content favors the elimination of fluids so that they do not accumulate in soft tissues, which is favorable in people with high blood pressure. .
- Maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels: this action is also mediated by fiber, which prevents high fat absorption.
- Strengthen the immune system: since it provides vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly in regards to the cellular metabolism of white blood cells.
There are different types and varieties of plums for every taste

As you will see, there are several options for this fruit, in addition to the typical purple or red ones. Along with this, the taste, the amount of water and the contribution of nutrients they contain can vary.
Despite this, consider that the consumption of any of the varieties of plums that exist brings benefits to your health . Fiber will regulate your gut, minerals will help the immune system, and potassium will contribute to blood pressure levels.
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types of plums