Home remedies to eliminate dry cough and avoid bronchitis

So that the dry or phlegmy cough does not interrupt that important meeting or appointment, the pharmaceutical companies offer us a great variety of syrups and pills; But before you “run” for them, why not try these home remedies for coughs and, best of all, for bronchitis.
The bronchitis is characterized by swelling or inflammation in the lungs, which makes breathing difficult and produces a dry cough or phlegm “describes the National Library of Medicine in the United States.
If the cold was raging … Here are some home remedies!
For dry cough
Option 1
Ingredients: ½ cup of pure honey and 1 tablespoon of ground pepper. What to do? Pour everything into a glass jar and take a teaspoon of this mixture every five hours.

Option 2
Ingredients: 10 cloves of garlic, 1 cup of olive oil, 2 sprigs of thyme. Preparation: Crush the garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients, let it rest for 24 hours. Take a tablespoon every day on an empty stomach.

Option 1
Dilute half a tablespoon of turmeric in half a glass of warm milk. Take it at least three times a day.

Option 2
Pour into a bowl, with hot water, half a tablespoon of ginger root, boil for five minutes. Let cool and sweeten with a tablespoon of honey. Add the juice of half a lemon before ingesting it.
In addition to these home remedies for dry cough and bronchitis, you need to see a health expert. Remember, your health is your responsibility!